Dinghy Dance 
Committee Chair: Joan Tannen  [email protected]

SOS offers a training session we affectionately call the “Dinghy Dance.”  The Dinghy Dance is held at
a member’s private pool
in the Annapolis area…usually in June. The focus is on learning and practicing
how to safely get in and out of a dinghy in deep
water.  In addition, we talk about various PFDs…
how to use them and maintain them.  And two attendees get to jump in
wearing inflatable PFDs. 
Approximately 20 members attend. 

This training is arranged in advance and is announced to the SOS membership in the Whisker Pole with the sign-up fee and the deadline date. 

Volunteers are needed for assistance with the following tasks:

Registrations:  A volunteer is needed to manage registrations as they are submitted and sign attendees in as they arrive on site at the event. 

Promotions:  A volunteer is needed to write promotional articles for the Whisker Pole over a month in advance and then again as the event gets closer. 

Monitor:  A volunteer is needed to help monitor both activities on the day of the training. 

Food:  A volunteer is needed to purchase, bring, and set up a light snack and beverages.